I got 2 new books in tow right now... The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (which I just finished) & Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (i have to see the movie starring Julia Roberts)...

Reading is one of my past times... books i just shelved in ... The Shopaholic Series (5 books), Remember Me, Undomesticated Goddess, Can you keep a secret & Twenties Girl... all by Sophie Kinsella... i enjoyed all the books... all are simply funny & hilarious... very entertaining... i love the book covers!...its always good to laugh!!!

Here are the books already in my shelf but was not able to read yet... i'll try during the holidays...

Still on the look out for good reads... Neil Gaiman may interest me...
But one thing is for sure.... ill be reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows again (for the 3rd time) in time for the movie HP7 part 1 this November....