Saturday, September 20, 2008

Europe trip... only in my dreams...

My officemate just got from a Europe trip. It has always been my dream to travel to Europe. Yes, Ive been to US (Ohio, Iowa, LA), Asian countries, but have not yet set foot in Europe. When I saw her pictures collated for a month, I said to myself that I'll definitely plan my trip in the very near future.
What I'm looking forward is that I get to relax for a month (definitely, a trip to Europe must be at least 1 month). Hope I can save all the money I need for shopping. I've been thinking of pampering myself by getting a booking in one of the elusive Rome Hotels. Wow, It's like in the movies! Or maybe, 2 nights reservation in Hotel Florence. I have imagined what the hotels would look like because I see a lot of movies & read a lot of books. I really would like to experience waking up in another country but will not go to work but a full day of sight- seeing, picture taking, window shopping & of course, shopping. I'm fond of collecting souvenirs from all the places I've been to.
This is still a dream. A dream that is possible. A dream close to reality. All I have to do is have the money (yaiks), the time (double yaiks, getting a 1 month leave is difficult). Well, theres no harm in dreaming. And I know I can pull this one. Hehehe, positive thinking... I have to condition myself that in anything I do I will be thinking that part of it will be for my trip. Wow, I can't help not imagining my self getting a booking online in Bed and breakfast Paris.
Time is up!!! back to work!

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