Saturday, September 20, 2008

Packing for Tagaytay Trip

I'll be off to Tagaytay this coming Monday. I wish it was a leisure trip. But the 3 day stay at Taal Vista Lodge is our year 2009 Strategic Brand Planning. This is the reason why I have not been logging into lately. It's true that work really drags one's social life. heheheh.
I've decided to pack early and not do my usual "night before" packing ritual. This is because I hate to leave anything this time. Everytime I'm preparing for an out of town trip, always, never miss that I forgot something, be it a brush, lotion, contact lens solution...
And also, packing up early will save me some time for cramming. Yes, I'm planning to cram tomorrow. hahahaha. I have lots of things to do tomorrow besides finishing my presentation. I'll be preparing 3 presentations for Tuesday & Wednesday. Tomorrow, I plan to have a massage, manicure & pedicure while my car is being washed to save on waiting time, I'll drop our laundry, go to mass, a little blogging and finish my presentations.
I really hope I can pull this one this time. Oh, wait, I still got Monday night to finally finish them all!!