I lifted this from the internet....

This synopsis saved me form re reading the book in preparation for the movie... hehehehe... I don't have the luxury of time to...
The movie starts when the muggle prim
e minister is visited by the new minister of magic, Rufus Scrimgeour. He tells the prime minister that Lord Voldemort has returned.
Meanwhile Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange visit Severus Snape. And Snape makes an unbreakable vow to protect Draco Malfoy while he's at school.
Meanwhile, Harry Potter is waiting for Albus Dumbledore to pick him up from his house. Dumbledore brings Harry to Horace Slughorn's house to try and get him to work at Hogwarts. Slughorn gives in. Then Dumbledore takes Harry to Ron's house and tells Harry that he will be giving him private lessons this year at Hogwarts. The next day Harry finds out that Bill and Fleur are getting married. Harry then goes on the train to Hogwarts. When he gets to Hogwarts, Harry sees Draco Malfoy carrying something. Then Dumbledore announces at the feast that Snape is taking the place of Defense Against The Dark Arts and that Slughorn will be teaching Potions. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine all agree that letting Snape teach Defense Against The Dark Arts was a bad Idea.
The next day they have their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Snape. Snape tries to teach them to use Protego while saying the incantation in their head. They got into partners and one partner would cast Stupefy out loud and the other partner would try to cast Protego in their head. People start to fall backwards and some start to go flying backwards into the wall. Their next class was Potions. Slughorn gave Harry a Potions book that said on the inside property of the Half Blood Prince. They learned about Felix Felicis, the luck potion. Slughorn said whoever made it perfectly they would get a bottle of Felix Felicis. The directions in Harry's book were crossed out and different directions were written in. Harry followed the directions that were written in and he won the Felix Felicis.
The next day was Griffindor's fist Quiditch game with Harry as team captain. That morning he slipped a bit Felix Felicis into Ron's drink so he could play better. Hermoine caught Harry doing it but Ron didn't believe her. That game Hufflepuff couldn't get one point since Ron did so good as a Keeper. Griffindor won 660 to 0. Harry then tells Ron and Hermoine that he faked slipping the Felix Felicis so Ron would feel lucky.
Then Neville walked up to Harry and gave him a note from Dumbledore that said their first private lesson would be that night. That night Harry went to Dumbledore's Office and he showed Harry a memory from his past. It was a memory of when Dumbledore was a teacher at Hogwarts and he visited a kid named Tom Riddle(who is now Voldemort) to try and get him to go to Hogwarts. Dumbledore thought this would be a way to defeat Voldemort.
Meanwhile in the streets of London a couple of Death Eaters are torturing muggles with the torture curse. Then Mad Eye Moody, Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and a couple other aurors appear and start to fight them. One auror is killed. The Death eaters disapperated and got away.
The next day, Harry and Ron went to Ron's house for Christmas. Harry and Ron were racing on their brooms when they heard a crack and some Death Eaters appeared. Mr. Weasley ran out the house and started casting stunning spells like crazy. Harry and Ron join in the fight and Harry disarmed them and Mr. Weasley had them put in Azkaban.
When Harry got back to school they went to Hogsmeade. When they were heading back to the school they saw Katie Bell and another girl fighting over something. Katie touched what she was holding in her hand and she screamed and floated into the air. She was cursed.
That night was another lesson with Dumbledore. He told Harry that Horcruxes are Dark Objects that wizards put some of their soul in. He asked Harry to come with him to a cave that might have one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. They went to the cave and Dumbledore drank a potion to find the Horcrux. It turned out to be fake. The real one was taken by someone with the initials R.A.B. They went back to Hogwarts and saw the Dark Mark in the sky. Harry put his invisibility cloak on.
Then Dumbledore was frozen still and Draco Malfoy was standing their with Snape. Malfoy was supposed to kill Dumbledore but Snape killed him instead. Harry ran to the tower to find his friends battling Death Eaters. He helped them. He made them fly out the window. He told Ron and Hermoine that Dumbledore was killed. They ran up the stairs to find Professor McGonagall fighting Bellatrix Lestrange. Eventually Bellatrix disapperated. They told McGonagall about Dumbledore. Then Fenrir Greyback (the werewolf) grabbed Hermoine and dragged her into the woods. Harry, Ron, and McGonagall stunned Greyback and Hermoine was free.
Snape appeared and Harry cast a spell that was written in his potions book. It was called Sectumsempra. Snape disabled the spell and said " How dare you use my spell against me. I am the Half Blood Prince!" Snape disapperated with Greyback.
The next day was Dumbledore's funeral. Harry told Ron and Hermione about the fake Horcrux and R.A.B. They decided that they wouldn't go to school next year and they would go searching for the Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort.

Meanwhile Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange visit Severus Snape. And Snape makes an unbreakable vow to protect Draco Malfoy while he's at school.
Meanwhile, Harry Potter is waiting for Albus Dumbledore to pick him up from his house. Dumbledore brings Harry to Horace Slughorn's house to try and get him to work at Hogwarts. Slughorn gives in. Then Dumbledore takes Harry to Ron's house and tells Harry that he will be giving him private lessons this year at Hogwarts. The next day Harry finds out that Bill and Fleur are getting married. Harry then goes on the train to Hogwarts. When he gets to Hogwarts, Harry sees Draco Malfoy carrying something. Then Dumbledore announces at the feast that Snape is taking the place of Defense Against The Dark Arts and that Slughorn will be teaching Potions. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine all agree that letting Snape teach Defense Against The Dark Arts was a bad Idea.
The next day they have their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Snape. Snape tries to teach them to use Protego while saying the incantation in their head. They got into partners and one partner would cast Stupefy out loud and the other partner would try to cast Protego in their head. People start to fall backwards and some start to go flying backwards into the wall. Their next class was Potions. Slughorn gave Harry a Potions book that said on the inside property of the Half Blood Prince. They learned about Felix Felicis, the luck potion. Slughorn said whoever made it perfectly they would get a bottle of Felix Felicis. The directions in Harry's book were crossed out and different directions were written in. Harry followed the directions that were written in and he won the Felix Felicis.
The next day was Griffindor's fist Quiditch game with Harry as team captain. That morning he slipped a bit Felix Felicis into Ron's drink so he could play better. Hermoine caught Harry doing it but Ron didn't believe her. That game Hufflepuff couldn't get one point since Ron did so good as a Keeper. Griffindor won 660 to 0. Harry then tells Ron and Hermoine that he faked slipping the Felix Felicis so Ron would feel lucky.
Then Neville walked up to Harry and gave him a note from Dumbledore that said their first private lesson would be that night. That night Harry went to Dumbledore's Office and he showed Harry a memory from his past. It was a memory of when Dumbledore was a teacher at Hogwarts and he visited a kid named Tom Riddle(who is now Voldemort) to try and get him to go to Hogwarts. Dumbledore thought this would be a way to defeat Voldemort.
Meanwhile in the streets of London a couple of Death Eaters are torturing muggles with the torture curse. Then Mad Eye Moody, Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and a couple other aurors appear and start to fight them. One auror is killed. The Death eaters disapperated and got away.
The next day, Harry and Ron went to Ron's house for Christmas. Harry and Ron were racing on their brooms when they heard a crack and some Death Eaters appeared. Mr. Weasley ran out the house and started casting stunning spells like crazy. Harry and Ron join in the fight and Harry disarmed them and Mr. Weasley had them put in Azkaban.
When Harry got back to school they went to Hogsmeade. When they were heading back to the school they saw Katie Bell and another girl fighting over something. Katie touched what she was holding in her hand and she screamed and floated into the air. She was cursed.
That night was another lesson with Dumbledore. He told Harry that Horcruxes are Dark Objects that wizards put some of their soul in. He asked Harry to come with him to a cave that might have one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. They went to the cave and Dumbledore drank a potion to find the Horcrux. It turned out to be fake. The real one was taken by someone with the initials R.A.B. They went back to Hogwarts and saw the Dark Mark in the sky. Harry put his invisibility cloak on.
Then Dumbledore was frozen still and Draco Malfoy was standing their with Snape. Malfoy was supposed to kill Dumbledore but Snape killed him instead. Harry ran to the tower to find his friends battling Death Eaters. He helped them. He made them fly out the window. He told Ron and Hermoine that Dumbledore was killed. They ran up the stairs to find Professor McGonagall fighting Bellatrix Lestrange. Eventually Bellatrix disapperated. They told McGonagall about Dumbledore. Then Fenrir Greyback (the werewolf) grabbed Hermoine and dragged her into the woods. Harry, Ron, and McGonagall stunned Greyback and Hermoine was free.
Snape appeared and Harry cast a spell that was written in his potions book. It was called Sectumsempra. Snape disabled the spell and said " How dare you use my spell against me. I am the Half Blood Prince!" Snape disapperated with Greyback.
The next day was Dumbledore's funeral. Harry told Ron and Hermione about the fake Horcrux and R.A.B. They decided that they wouldn't go to school next year and they would go searching for the Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort.
Page last updated by tornadogal_2000, 2 days ago
Top 5 Contributors: joeb154, thefragile-1, Potterfanatic1292, cooltodarama, DarthBill