Saturday, November 15, 2008

Catching Up

Wow, I missed blogging. Got lots of things to blog about but I don't know where & what to start. I have posted entries in the past weeks but mostly on paid post. Hehehe, got to earn extra bucks for the holidays. A lot of things has been going on this past weeks. I think the best way to back track details I want to write here is for me to do a list. Yes, that's me... am into a habit of listing things...but I'm proud to say that I stick to my lists. Well, here goes...
1. Neo's final birthday preps
2. Neo's b-day party
3. A close colleague leaving our company
4. X-mas bazaars & shopping spree
5. Trip to Baguio
6. New books to read
7. DVD collection

I think this will do for the meantime...