Saturday, November 15, 2008

Holiday Weight

I love the Holidays! I love x-mas bazaars, that's why. And I love parties & gifts. I love the Christmas food and sweets! What I don't like really much is the eating habit we get to develop during this season. How can we escape if eating is a way of life during holidays. This means adding up on weight again. I can't help it because of the parties here and there.

Loosing weight has been my forever goal in life. Gaining weight is very expensive because there are times that I get to realize some of my pants & clothes won't fit me anymore. So embarrassing!. Life is so unfair because extra weight comes as we get older. Huhuhuhuhu. I started going to the gym for some cardio & badminton with friends, but it lasted only for several weeks because of work schedule. We even started eating greens but preparing for them makes us lazy & forget about it. There's always food at the canteen, we say.

Now, I'm tempted to use Safe Diet Pills after the holiday. Hahahaha, read: after the holiday! I don't want to put pressure since I get to have loads of it from work, thats why I will try. Hahaha, bunch of lame excuses. Well, I'll browse through health & wellness site for more motivational push. What I want are those that are guaranteed effective & safe. Well, if anyone of you can recommend, so much the better.