Monday, July 28, 2008


You Know You're A Harry Potter Addict When...

1) turn up late for a very important board meeting, smile atall the stuffy "suits" as you coolly arrange all your paraphernalia onthe table in front of you ... and then realize yours is the only PCnotebook plastered in Harry Potter stickers.

2) ...when you suddenly realize you and your son/daughter are on abroom, playing with red balls all over the living room.

3) ...when your friends had to read the Harry Potter books to finallyunderstand What The Heck are you talking about...

4) ...when you suddenly find yourself 'animating' the little redenvelope for prescriptions while shouting your lungs out ... (but thekids just loved the howler ;)
5) ...when you swing your pencil or pen before realizing you can'tcast magic spells anyway.

6) ...when you have at least one Harry Potter book on your nightstandall the time.

7) ...when you no longer brush your hair in the morning because, hey,untidy hair is cool now!

8) are learning Latin so you can come up with some reallygroovy spells (and curses) of your own.

9) ...when you ditch your HB pencil in search of a HP one.

10) ...when you bump head-first into things on purpose, hoping it'llleave a scar...

11) ...when your three-year old runs around the house wavingchopsticks at things bellowing "wingardium leviosa... swish andflick!"

12) ..."Meet my dog, Pigwidgeon."

13) ...when you forget the keys to your apartment, and just keepshouting 'alohomora' until someone comes to open the door.

14) ...when you try to 'accio' things.

15) ...when you read other books and wonder what would a HP characterdo in such a situation.

16) ...when your literature teacher asks you to write a storyvariation in the style of Edgar Allen Poe and you write a Harry Potterone.

17) ...when you tell someone you'll send them a note via owl.

18) ...when you can correctly identify 4 different species of dragon.

19) ...when you know what bubotubers are and what their pus is usedfor.

20) stay up until 3:00am reading every entry in (and respondingto most) in "".

21)'re looking up in your yellow pages to find the Department of Magical Transportation, Floo Network Office in order to get yourliving room fireplace connected to the Floo Network - at last yourcomputer is connected to the Internet too ...

22) ...when you get irritated with your husband/friend, and then callhim "Ron" in the middle of an argument.
23)...if you can relate to at least half of the items mentioned above... hahahaha

23)... you can relate with the above metioned things... hahahaha

Who can think of more.........


Anonymous said...

can relate to the first one but i don't bring a laptop to a board meeting... i only show up late... hahaha

Jacque said...

hahaha. natawa naman ako dito. fill me in with the harry potter fever kasi i've a client eto ang theme. i'm so clueless! haha.

Mec said...


I know am a Harry Potter fan because...
1) I have two HP books by the bed
2) I am nursing a son whose Christian name is RUBEUS
3) my husband is coming home in a car named MAXIME
4) our DSLR is named HEDWIG
5) my kids will grow up to Tales of Beedle the Bard
6) my husband and I are members of the hogwartsphilippines message board
7) i am jacque's client throwing a harry potter-inspired party for kids who don't really know who he is!!!