Time is really ticking fast right under my nose. With lots of things in my mind regarding work, I completely forgotten that I have to find time to furnish the condo unit I bought last March! Maybe the reason why I have forgotten about this is that the contractor and the financing firm has not yet given me the statement of account & the actual amount i have to pay every month.
With the time elapsed, I was looking back at it and wishing that I have furnished it already & have it rented out.
Well, anyway, its not right to cry over a spilt milk. Now, I'm organizing my thougths on what will be the look, mood & theme of my 31 sq m condo would be. I'm really planning on getting an expert, like an interior designer... but because of budget constraints, I'm looking for someone who will do charity on me & design my condo for free just for the experience. Any takers?
But if no one answers to my plea.. real living magazines can be the solution. In my opinion, I know that curtains & rugs will actually do the magic! Well, I really hope I can find cheap rugs & curtains!
I'll just settle for a white wall paint so that i can play with printed & colorful curtains, rugs & sofa set. Since the place is small, I will make all spaces functional as possible. I can remember my dorm back in college where "my space" can be identified by area rugs. It marks my domain in the room since I'm sharing it with my 3 roomates. Actually, I'm the only one with a rug in there... So, in my condo, the sala, dining & bedroom will be separated with different rugs! What do you think?
Since it is just a studio unit, I'll place a divider, may be made of wood for privacy. For the kitchen part, Ill have a counter with cabinets for keeping kitchen utensils & wares. I'll not bother with a dining set but a counter with high bar chairs. I'll put pin lights, shelves for my books, and stylish cabinets for my bags & shoes. My sofa will be red. Abstract paintings on the wall.
Maybe I don't need professional help at all! Hahahaha. What I need is the money to buy all those stuffs! Well, wish me luck. I really hope i can post picture of my furnished condo very very soon.