The course is on marketing, branding & integrated marketing communications strategy and I will be given a diploma after attending the whole 42 hours, thats 14 sessions.. and this class is a graded one! with a final project... yaiks, it means that i will shed more hours for group meetings, assignments & case reports (the course outline says that there will be case reports after each module... we got 9 modules to take up).
Whew! am very thankful to my company since they paid for the fee, but am worried coz my work is not the usual 8-5 job. Am expected to go on fieldworks--- just like on the first night last thursday... i came from Lipa City, Batangas!!! When I get to class, im so exhausted & naturally, sleepy!... This is not my normal routine & my biological clock is complaining.... they serve food though.
Well, wish me goodluck so that i can pull this one!!! Ill just motivate my self that i will be learning from this & apply to my current job... and i know this would perk up my resume... for, future use...we can never tell....
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