Friendly Rules:
1. Simply copy the inspirational story and in the end write down the lesson you have learned out from this.
2. Put your own blog name and link. Pass or tag this to your friends to inspire them.
3. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
— The Best Gift Ever —
A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car.
Finally, on the morning of his graduation his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man’s name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible?” And stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.
He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined a verse, Matt 7:11, “And if ye, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly father which is in heaven, give to those who ask Him?” As he read those words, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… PAID IN FULL.
How many times do we miss God’s blessing because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Pass it on to others. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for…
End Copy
Lesson I learned: (Write here what your learned)
Always appreciate the giver of the gift & not just the gift. If the gift you receive is not what you expect, be grateful because someone remembers you & thinks you deserve that gift. Always be thankful to whatever may come your way... It's a gift.. a blessing from God.
1. Outback-Pinay 2. My Precious 3. Eds Mommy Life 4. Just Me.. Eds 5. My Life in this Wonderful World! 6. My Online World! 7. The Sweet Life 8. Once in a Lifetime
A gift for you Juliana, Lindsay, Cecile, Maricel & Marga
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just for fun
Cecile tagged me!
Rule:Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not.This is for your entire life!
Seen someone die
Been to Florida
Been to Mexico
Gone to Chicago
Felt like dying X
Blown bubbles X
Made a bonfire on the beach X
Here's more...
1. Nick-name? Ritz, Ritzie, Chinggay
2. Mother's nickname? Zeny
3. What is your favorite drink? Iced Tea, fresh buko juice
4. Birthplace: Espana, Manila
5. Favorite vacation spot? no favorite
6. Ever been to Africa ? No
7. Ever steal any traffic signs? No, why would I do that?
8.. 2 Doors or 4 Doors? 4
9. Salad dressing? Ceasar
10. Favorite pie? hmmmm can't tell
11. Favorite dessert? Oreo cheesecake, turon
12. Favorite food? Japanese! of course, Filipino dishes... lutong bahay
13. Favorite day of the week? Friday
14. Favorite brand of Body soap? don't have im using ivory
15. Favorite TV show! Friends, DH, House,
16. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? Smile, always!
17. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Minding my own business
19. What do you do when you are bored? Shop!! window shopping or e-bay...
To all my blogger friends who has not done this thing...I'm tagging you...
Rule:Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not.This is for your entire life!
Seen someone die
Been to Florida
Been to Mexico
Gone to Chicago
Felt like dying X
Blown bubbles X
Made a bonfire on the beach X
Here's more...
1. Nick-name? Ritz, Ritzie, Chinggay
2. Mother's nickname? Zeny
3. What is your favorite drink? Iced Tea, fresh buko juice
4. Birthplace: Espana, Manila
5. Favorite vacation spot? no favorite
6. Ever been to Africa ? No
7. Ever steal any traffic signs? No, why would I do that?
8.. 2 Doors or 4 Doors? 4
9. Salad dressing? Ceasar
10. Favorite pie? hmmmm can't tell
11. Favorite dessert? Oreo cheesecake, turon
12. Favorite food? Japanese! of course, Filipino dishes... lutong bahay
13. Favorite day of the week? Friday
14. Favorite brand of Body soap? don't have im using ivory
15. Favorite TV show! Friends, DH, House,
16. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? Smile, always!
17. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Minding my own business
19. What do you do when you are bored? Shop!! window shopping or e-bay...
To all my blogger friends who has not done this thing...I'm tagging you...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Monthly Household Expenses
Winnie made me do this...
How many sq meters is your place, and how many people live there?
***I stay in an apartment with my 2 sisters (plus my BIL n nephew) in weekdays & go home to our Cavite house on weekends. Its a 2 -storey apartment with 2 bedrooms, maybe around 60 sq meters.
How much is your electricity bill monthly?
with the escalating prices of electricity nowadays.... aarrrggghhhh.... our highest for the year is P6,500... the reason why i bought a power saver gadget... our latest is P4,000...
Water? We average around P400
Other utilities?
Groceries? ~P2,00o just for toiletries & snacks...
Market?*** I seldom go to market... my sister do...hehehehe savings on me
Good thing our company shoulders my gas expense... they provided the car too... with a gas & service fleet card. Otherwise, i will choose not to have a car at this time coz of the price of gas
Credit cards - I maintain 2 credit cards... depends on my shopping splurge... but am proud to say I'm a good payer... I don't want my credits to pile up... my latest P4,500
Monthly amortization- I just bought a condo unit.. though payments have not yet started... it gonna cost me ~ P6,000 a month
Dog food expenses- from time to time, i get to have free dog food given by Mang Johnny (one of our suppliers in the office), I spend ~P 2,500 to feed my 5 dogs
Bayanihan Savings- I do save a little... P2,000 is automatically deducted from my salary every month... this is a forced savings & earns interest much better than a bank savings account
Now it's your turn! I'm tagging Lissa, Jacque,
How many sq meters is your place, and how many people live there?
***I stay in an apartment with my 2 sisters (plus my BIL n nephew) in weekdays & go home to our Cavite house on weekends. Its a 2 -storey apartment with 2 bedrooms, maybe around 60 sq meters.
How much is your electricity bill monthly?
with the escalating prices of electricity nowadays.... aarrrggghhhh.... our highest for the year is P6,500... the reason why i bought a power saver gadget... our latest is P4,000...
Water? We average around P400
Other utilities?
Groceries? ~P2,00o just for toiletries & snacks...
Market?*** I seldom go to market... my sister do...hehehehe savings on me
Good thing our company shoulders my gas expense... they provided the car too... with a gas & service fleet card. Otherwise, i will choose not to have a car at this time coz of the price of gas
Credit cards - I maintain 2 credit cards... depends on my shopping splurge... but am proud to say I'm a good payer... I don't want my credits to pile up... my latest P4,500
Monthly amortization- I just bought a condo unit.. though payments have not yet started... it gonna cost me ~ P6,000 a month
Dog food expenses- from time to time, i get to have free dog food given by Mang Johnny (one of our suppliers in the office), I spend ~P 2,500 to feed my 5 dogs
Bayanihan Savings- I do save a little... P2,000 is automatically deducted from my salary every month... this is a forced savings & earns interest much better than a bank savings account
Now it's your turn! I'm tagging Lissa, Jacque,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Stress Warning Flag is UP

First semester of the year is about to end. In our company, this is the time to review & gage if major changes & turn abouts have to be done. To seal off the years target, second semester or the last 6 months of the year must be planned to keep everyone in the same bout. Whew, and being a part of the Marketing team, the so-called "think- tank" of the organization, we are on the pressure cooker!
But prior to our 3 day mid-year conference at Taal Vista on July 8 to 11, I have an event the week before that! Its a convention/exhibit for the swine industry at Subic... and we are one of the major sponsors! Preps for this affair is already 90%, but its the actual convention days am scared because I still have to prepare the brand campaigns to be presented in our sales rally.
Here is where the problem lies...designing the best campaign for my brands that will rally our sales people & influence their confidence that my campaign will significantly increase their sales, and contribute in the attainment of the companys target and hitting the annual target spells I-N-C-E-N-T-I-V-E-S! this is either non-cash, may be trip or gift certificates! wow....
Capping all these things i have to finished by July 11, is my night class! Class is tight now coz we got to finish 2 projects! It means that i have to find extra hours to meet with my groupmates to design our final project.
Am pretty hectic these days, i"ll definitly miss blogging...
Monday, June 23, 2008
I'm Tagged to Travel!!!

Lissa tagged me to join the travel!!!
Follow this:
1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
2. Put your blog's name and url write in which continent you live, add the country you live in. Example :Once in a Lifetime (Philippines)
3. Leave your url post in here and I'll add you to the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Don't play unfair! If you have more than 1 blog, you can participate all your blogs for this tag. BUT you will have to post this tag to all your blogs as well. So, please. Don't cheat!
6. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.
7. Don't forget to use the banner at your post, you can save as or you can just copy the code in here.
Master List :
A. Asia : 1. Moms... Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Aeirin's Collections (Philippines) 3. Jenny and Belle(Philippines) 4. Hailey's Beats and Bits (Philippines) 5. Appleofmyeyes(Saudi Arabia) 6. Deranged Insanity (Philippines) 7. PROJECT HEAVY TRAFFIC (Singapore) 8. Rooms of My Heart (Indonesia) 9. Blessings and Beyond (Philippines) 10. lancerlord (Singapore) 11. allinkorea (Korea) 12. kimchiland (Korea) 13. korean food (Korea) 14. idealpinkrose (Korea) 15. Pinay Mommy Online (Philippines) 16. Momhood Moments (Philippines) 17. Business Mars (Philippines) 18. Journey and Journals 19. The Sweet Life 20. Once in a Lifetime (Philippines) 21. your turn
B. Australia : 1. your turn
C. Afrika : 1. your turn
D. North Amerika : 1. Simple Life, Simply Me (USA) 2. Pinaymama's Diary (USA) 3. 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires (United States) 4.Traipsey Turvey (USA) 5. Dabawenyako (USA) 6. Icelog (USA) 6. The Misadventures of an Ordinary Housewife (USA) 7. It Is Nap Time (US) 8.A Mother's Journal (USA) 9. Journey And Journal [USA] 10. Life is good and beautiful (USA) 11. your turn
E. South Amerika : 1. your turn
F. Europe : 1. My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana's Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4. SuperMae (Portugal) 5. The Callalily Space (The Netherlands) 6. your turn
G. Antarctica : 1. your turn
~ End Copy ~
I wan't to tag Lindsay, Juliana, & Winnie too!!
Keep your furry friends safe

The veterinarian in me wants to share this reminders to all bloggers with dogs at home.
Below are the list of simple suplies that will help in the routine dog care & first aid. Stock these things in a separate container (label: _____(dogs name) First Aid Kit) & store it in place where you can immediately find it.
1. Cotton balls/swabs & ear cleaning solution
2. Mild dog soap & shampoo (carbamates & sulfur is recommended)
3. Dog nail clipper (yes, doggies have their own clippers, you can source this in pet & vet supply stores & clinics)
4. Tweezers- for removing ticks & splinters (buy new one for your dog!)
5. Antibiotic ointment- (human preparation will do, eg. Terramycin)
6. Hydrogen Peroxide- for inducing vomitting in times of poisoning
7. 3 cc syringe - for dispensing liquid medication
8. 10 cc syringe- to be used in flushing wounds
9. Rectal thermometer- just like the ones used for babies
10. Muzzle- in cases where you need to handle your dog when frightened or in pain. can be bought also in pet stores & clinics
Okay, there goes the content of your Pet 911 kit. If you care enough for your dogs, keep this handy so that you can perform first aid when necessary.
I'll be posting some pointers in pet care & management in my future entries...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Flame of Friendship

Flame of Friendship
Keep the fire burning for this wonderful tag!
The Flame of Friendship. A symbol of spirit of unity.The burning icon of love.Undying picture of hope.The hot symbol of oneness.The Flame of Friendship.And now it's your turn to flame yourself!Meet new friends. Discover friendship. Make bonds.
Copy this post starting from the PICTURE ABOVE to the end and add your blog on the list below. Let's start FLAMING!
Tiklaton: We are the witness,
Janeth Vicy's Life Journey,
bb_Anne's Myriad of Thoughts ,
Shimumsy's Republic of A,
Desperateblogger's Manna from Heaven,
Desperateblogger's and LIFE goes on for a Filipino Mom,
Momhood Moments,
Business Mars,
Tagging Lissa, and Jacque!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Things to Do
Geeeshhhh... i still got 3 homeworks to do...
1. paper to compare two firms doing global brands (i get to read 97 pages...),
2. reaction paper to our guest speaker who talked on brand repositioning
3. presentation on brand audit
Then theres a final project... am grouped with Ayn & 3 Hyundai pips...we'll get to know the guidelines for the final project in our next class...
I really hope I can finish this all ..wish me luck...
1. paper to compare two firms doing global brands (i get to read 97 pages...),
2. reaction paper to our guest speaker who talked on brand repositioning
3. presentation on brand audit
Then theres a final project... am grouped with Ayn & 3 Hyundai pips...we'll get to know the guidelines for the final project in our next class...
I really hope I can finish this all ..wish me luck...
Interesting Tag
I've been tagged again by Lissa. Test your memory with these..
Have you ever gone on a blind date?
>> no.
Skipped school?
>> nope, but i finished my degree plus 1 year due to other reason...
Been on a plane?
>> yes.. domestic, international
Been lost?
>> lots of time, my weakness is directions...
Swam in the ocean?
>> nah...
Cried yourself to sleep?
>> yes..can't share wit you y...
Played cops and robbers?
>> Nope
Played dolls?
>> yes
Recently colored with crayons?
>> about 3 months ago, coloring is one of my outlet... got handful of disney coloring books
Sang Karaoke?
>> Yup... videoke's much cool
Paid for a meal with coins only?
>> yes, in college... my allowance is kulang kasi am saving for friday gimmicks. hehehehe
Done something you said you wouldn't?
>> Yes.
Cheated on a test?
>> I might have... wink, wink...
Made prank phone calls?
>> nya, desperate!
Danced in the rain?
>> Yes! with college friends in one of our farm duties
Written a letter to Santa Claus?
>> Im pretty sure not
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about?
>> in Batangas...
Been kissed under the mistletoe?
>> not yet... but hoping...hehehehe
Gone ice skating?
>> Nope
Been skinny dipping outdoors?
>> Nope
Favorite drink Im allowed on a regular basis-
>> Grape Juice
>> No, & not planning to have one
Body piercings?
>> for earrings only... got a extra one on my right ear
Vacation spot?
>> Paris is my dream
Eaten cookies for dinner?
>> yeah, last night... Chips ahoy...
Ever been on TV?
>> Yes, been interviewed re the brand am handling...
Ever been in a car accident?
> i pray to God I wont
Favorite number and why ?
>> 3, dont know really y...hmmmm good things comes in 3s?
Favorite movie?
>> the space is not enough...
Favorite holiday?
>> Yuletide.. especially days before xmas day, i love gifts, for giving!!!
Favorite smells?
>> fresh donuts, yum yum... fruity perfumes
What do you do to relax?
>> watch dvd until i dozed off to massage
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
>> minding my own business!!!
Its fun!!! Now I am passing this on to Maricel, Lindsay
I've been tagged again by Lissa. Test your memory with these..
Have you ever gone on a blind date?
>> no.
Skipped school?
>> nope, but i finished my degree plus 1 year due to other reason...
Been on a plane?
>> yes.. domestic, international
Been lost?
>> lots of time, my weakness is directions...
Swam in the ocean?
>> nah...
Cried yourself to sleep?
>> yes..can't share wit you y...
Played cops and robbers?
>> Nope
Played dolls?
>> yes
Recently colored with crayons?
>> about 3 months ago, coloring is one of my outlet... got handful of disney coloring books
Sang Karaoke?
>> Yup... videoke's much cool
Paid for a meal with coins only?
>> yes, in college... my allowance is kulang kasi am saving for friday gimmicks. hehehehe
Done something you said you wouldn't?
>> Yes.
Cheated on a test?
>> I might have... wink, wink...
Made prank phone calls?
>> nya, desperate!
Danced in the rain?
>> Yes! with college friends in one of our farm duties
Written a letter to Santa Claus?
>> Im pretty sure not
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about?
>> in Batangas...
Been kissed under the mistletoe?
>> not yet... but hoping...hehehehe
Gone ice skating?
>> Nope
Been skinny dipping outdoors?
>> Nope
Favorite drink Im allowed on a regular basis-
>> Grape Juice
>> No, & not planning to have one
Body piercings?
>> for earrings only... got a extra one on my right ear
Vacation spot?
>> Paris is my dream
Eaten cookies for dinner?
>> yeah, last night... Chips ahoy...
Ever been on TV?
>> Yes, been interviewed re the brand am handling...
Ever been in a car accident?
> i pray to God I wont
Favorite number and why ?
>> 3, dont know really y...hmmmm good things comes in 3s?
Favorite movie?
>> the space is not enough...
Favorite holiday?
>> Yuletide.. especially days before xmas day, i love gifts, for giving!!!
Favorite smells?
>> fresh donuts, yum yum... fruity perfumes
What do you do to relax?
>> watch dvd until i dozed off to massage
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
>> minding my own business!!!
Its fun!!! Now I am passing this on to Maricel, Lindsay
Friday, June 20, 2008
I signed up for PPP!

I think this is really cool... i write my interests, highlights in my everyday life, things that amuses me...and i realize its been a good stress buster!!!! i feel that all negative energy i have picked up in a day is released at my finger tips while i type spontaneously... and I made new friends, surfing through the friend links ive build up in my site is so great because i get to learn from their blog entries!!!
Another thing that draw me to blogging is that there is an opportunity to earn & get paid to blog...Wow, earning while fighting off stress!!! Many of the sites i visited bears the PPP badge. So, I signed up for PPP and see how i can make money out of it.
I learned Pay Per Post from my blogger friends & heard good feedbacks about why not? I learned that my blog should be at least 3 months old to be noticed, so I did sign up in PPP soon after I posted my 12th entry, but apparently, i missed out several details in my application & PPP called my atention trough an email notifying me that i must complete my profile if i wanted to get paid... PPP gives quick response & tells you what to do so that you cant miss opportunity that is for you...So, here it is!!!! What is missing is my paypal details!!! whoopps... panic button is red! I did manage to locate my pay pal profile though... whew sayang naman if i lost it to my memory gap!!
Now, Im looking forward to every sparetime to post an entry that may be informative, entertaining or just for reads to those who will visit my site..My friends advised me to read & learn the blog ethics to maximize blog opportunities.
I'll first save the money i can get from these, too early to tell where will i use it first.
Well, this is a start of something, i suppose....another once in a lifetime for me...Thank you PPP!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fathers Day @ Cookbook Kitchen

Parmesan Herbed Fries P80.00 - hhmmmm, like ordinary fries but sprinkled with parmesan cheese... good because it was served hot...
Chicken Pizzaiola P180.00 Chicken in chunky stewed tomatoes - didn't ate much to give a comment, but it looks delicious...
Parmesan Crusted White Fish P230.00 Rich, succulent and baked! - the fish (maybe pangasius or dori, am not sure) is so tender that it almost melts in your mouth. It was topped with a lightly-burnt parmesan crust & drenched in olive oil.
Pork Steak with Honey Mustard Sauce P220.00
Grilled pork steak in light soy with rosemary and spices served with honey mustard sauce
Grilled pork steak in light soy with rosemary and spices served with honey mustard sauce
-very very good!!! don't fail to order this when you visit
and for dessert... Scarlet Cake... true to the description in their menu... something u have not seen nor tasted before... its truly red! extraordinary to look at but nothing spectacular in the taste...(sorry no picture)...
It's worth a try... ambiance is okay, on light mood... service is good....
Cookbook Kitchen is at #8 Socorro Fernandez St. Cor. Luna Mencias St., Mandaluyong City. Reservations are recommended, especially for large groups (Telephone Number: 724-3595).
Off the Shelf...Fave Books part 3

From the ENTERTAINMENT portion of my bookshelf:
Got very nice picture & write up collection of these top rated TV series...
- Friends- the 10 year running comedy TV series starring Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Green), Courteney Cox (Monica Geller), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay), Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing), David Scwimmer (Ross Geller) & Matt leBlanc (Joey Tribiani). Witness the roller coaster ride in friendship, love, marriage, kids & fun... lots of fun! I did laugh with them! I love Chandler & Phoebe... I have the complete DVD (season 1 to 10) and it never fails to make me laugh whenever i play it even just as a background while am doing something... very addictive!
- Sex & the City- i did enjoyed watching this because of the fashion!!! Carrie, Miranda, Samantha & Charlotte really did put up a ramp there!! Very sexy, though...
- Desperate Housewives- Can you keep a secret? I think that is the main plot of this series... hahahaha... well, everyone - Bree Van de Camp, Gabrielle Solis, Eddie Brit, Susan Myers & Linette Scavo has their own dirty little secret within the walls of their houses at the Wisteria Lane. Well, lets wait for its ending, when all secrets will be told...
- House- Let's welcome the most sarcastic doctor (diagnostician) ever! I've come across this TV series when I was in the US in 2006. It really did caught my interest since the set is in a hospital & they are talking medical!!! I can relate to the way Dr. House approaches the history, clinical symptoms & differential diagnosis before coming up with the final diagnosis... there was this episode that i already diagnosed the problem way ahead of them.. hahahaha... its rabies...its a shame if i don't recognize the signs (i'm a vet!).
These coffee table books in my possession are really cool! though its no longer running in free TV (friends, SATC), i can browse through it in times when i just feel like...
Off the Shelf...Fave Books part 2

2. HARRY POTTER - by J.K. Rowling- (as u can notice, my blog bears links to HP sites). best appreciated in books first before watching its movie rendition .... Warner Brothers has made my imagination 4-D!!! cant wait for Book 6!
Book 1 Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
Book 2 Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
Book 3 Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Book 4 Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
Book 5 Harry Potter & the Orderof the Phoenix
Book 6 Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
Book 7 Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
Who says that Harry Potter is just for kids? Well, I am into Harry Potter!!! What really amazes me is the author. How could someone really make magic & wizardry come into life with all the story details... Its not just the story & adventure of Harry Potter & his friends Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger, but the unique names, places, spells, characters, games, mail post, maps & situations that JK Rowling has spun out of the labyrinth of her imaginative mind... it has brought the readers into a different dimension, very farm from reality... makes me wonder what if it is the real thing... what do you reckon?
Unique names JK has made that really caught my attention: Leaky Cauldron, Marauders Map, Quidditch, Alohomora, pensieve, howler, Gringgots, Olivanders, Azkaban, the department names in the Ministry of Magic, subjects taught at Hogworths, Floo Network, The Shrieking Shack, Boggart... whew... and a lot more!!! i say that all that JK has used to describe Harry's world is very unique!!!Really magical!!!
I salute JK!
Harry Potter,
Warner Brothers,
Off the Shelf...Fave Books part 1

I have not read all the books that i've bought... but i have this feeling of satisfaction that i have books that may be very handy in times I cannot tell yet.... just looking & checking at them from time to time is a therapy to me already...
Here's a peep in my book shelf......
1. Sidney Sheldon- The World's Master Storyteller... i have all of his books! .. been collecting them since college.. heres the list with the year the book was published....
- 1969 The Naked Face
- 1974 The Other Side of Midnight
- 1975 A Stranger in the Mirror
- 1977 Bloodline
- 1980 Rage of Angels
- 1982 Master of the Game
- 1986 If Tomorrow Comes
- 1987 Windmills of the Gods
- 1988 The Sands of Time
- 1990 Memories of Midnight
- 1991 The Doomsday Conspiracy
- 1992 The Stars Shine Down
- 1994 Nothing Lasts Forever
- 1995 Morning, Noon & Night
- 1997 The Best Laid Plans
- 1998 Tell Me Your Dreams
- 2000 The Sky is Falling
- 2004 Are You Afraid of the Dark
- 2005 Sidney Sheldon's memoir, The Other Side of Me
I have a copy of all those & proud to say that i read them all!!! not just once!!! There was a time that i do remember all the names of each books main character & the plot...but don't test me now... hehehehe,....
If you are too, a lover of suspense stories & surprise endings.... you should meet SS!!! Many of his books are about heroines... struggle and power play!!! very inspiring...really for the woman of today i may say!!!!
My faves, MUST READ: Master of the Game, If tomorrow Comes, Nothing Last Forever & Morning, Noon & Night... These are really great novels!!! you should check this out... if after reading these & u did'nt like it, ill treat you to dinner!!!Saturday, June 14, 2008
Bored? Stressed? just click on the play button & follow the dancing doggie!!!
This is one of my stress reliever....
Happy Fathers Day!!!

Dad, Thank You.
"Thank you for the laughter,
For the good times that we share,
Thanks for always listening,
For trying to be fair.
Thank you for your comfort,
When things are going bad,
Thank you for the shoulder,
To cry on when I'm sad.
This poem is a reminder that
All my life through,
I'll be thanking Heaven
For a Special Dad like you."
BTW, i did not compose this poem...
BTW, i did not compose this poem...
Friday, June 13, 2008
VPAP 2008

I attended VPAP (Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines) Convention at Rennaisance Hotel in Makati. Our company sponsored the ID & certificates of all delegates & visitors in exchange for an exhibit booth. This is an annual affair wherein majority of the veterinarians attending are companion animal (dogs & cats) practitioner.
This year, unlike previous years, people traffic is not heavy...d nga ata nag ka traffic e....
I did'nt see my colleages i use to see every year, few company exhibitors, and the saddest thing of all, few goodies to take home!!!..
Well, its been a good 2 day affair, a breather for me... time to not to think of office work & i really enjoyed the "chickas" with my officemates.... too bad for those who were not around... hehehe...sila ang topic e... hahahahah
Just making a post today...
Yey! no class yesterday!!! but no yey coz we got 4 assignments to do... but no worries.... were no good students here, bah... just thinking of the work i have to do... pending proposals for approval, meetings & the dreaded cut-off day, ahead...yaiks... another pressure ball coming up!!!!
ill try to be an average student lang hehehe... though ill be graded at the end of the course, it won't matter naman sa work, the important thing is that i learned something new... I promised my self that i will keep the course booklet at hand in the office & browse it from time to time... pwede naman kasi self study... kasi I really can't concentrate during the class kasi antok talaga...d ko shadong type si prof... hehehehe...
Well, got to download my assignment muna....
I've been Tagged!

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1. Copy and paste this tag from "Start Here" to "End Here". (don't forget the image)
2. Place your blog's name with your URL at the end of the tag. If you have more that one blog, please add them too! Just make sure that you post this tag in all of your blogs.
3. Tag 5 blogs that is not yet in this post (just to avoid duplications ^_^ )
4. This is the twist... Go to the 5 blogs that you tagged and comment on any of their posts. Why? So that search engines can crawl to your site. ^_^
5. Return to the Momhood Moments blog and leave a comment saying that you joined the tag together with the URL of the tag.
I'll be checking on it and add you in the master list.Momhood Moments
Tags You List:1. Momhood Moments 2. Business Mars 3. Concealed Mind 4. 5. YOU'RE NEXT! =)
--------- END HERE -------------
Tagging: Lissa, Jacque, music is my life, juliana-pinay wahm, Can of Thoughts
1. Copy and paste this tag from "Start Here" to "End Here". (don't forget the image)
2. Place your blog's name with your URL at the end of the tag. If you have more that one blog, please add them too! Just make sure that you post this tag in all of your blogs.
3. Tag 5 blogs that is not yet in this post (just to avoid duplications ^_^ )
4. This is the twist... Go to the 5 blogs that you tagged and comment on any of their posts. Why? So that search engines can crawl to your site. ^_^
5. Return to the Momhood Moments blog and leave a comment saying that you joined the tag together with the URL of the tag.
I'll be checking on it and add you in the master list.Momhood Moments
Tags You List:1. Momhood Moments 2. Business Mars 3. Concealed Mind 4. 5. YOU'RE NEXT! =)
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Tagging: Lissa, Jacque, music is my life, juliana-pinay wahm, Can of Thoughts
Monday, June 9, 2008

You really get to learn something every day... Today I received this email from my officemate & i would like to share it with you... pretty interesting!!!
1. Money isn't made out of paper. It's made out of cotton.
2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.
3. The dot over the letter "I" is called a "tittle".
4. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.
5. 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
6. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.
7. The 'spot' on 7-UP comes from its inventor, who had red eyes. He was albino.
8. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents, daily.
9. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.
10. Chocolate affects a dog's heart and nervous system; a few ounces will kill a small sized dog.
11. Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.
12. Most lipstick contains fish scales (eeww).
13. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
14. Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.
15. Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the 'upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters.
16. Leonardo Da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time hence, multitasking was invented.
17. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.
18. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.
29. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan; there was never a recorded Wendy before!
20. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple, and silver!
21. Leonardo DaVinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10 years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.
22. A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
23. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk's mask painted white.
24. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
25. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was the Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.
26. Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples!
27. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying!
28. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
See... realy cool!
Friday, June 6, 2008
First Night of School

The course is on marketing, branding & integrated marketing communications strategy and I will be given a diploma after attending the whole 42 hours, thats 14 sessions.. and this class is a graded one! with a final project... yaiks, it means that i will shed more hours for group meetings, assignments & case reports (the course outline says that there will be case reports after each module... we got 9 modules to take up).
Whew! am very thankful to my company since they paid for the fee, but am worried coz my work is not the usual 8-5 job. Am expected to go on fieldworks--- just like on the first night last thursday... i came from Lipa City, Batangas!!! When I get to class, im so exhausted & naturally, sleepy!... This is not my normal routine & my biological clock is complaining.... they serve food though.
Well, wish me goodluck so that i can pull this one!!! Ill just motivate my self that i will be learning from this & apply to my current job... and i know this would perk up my resume... for, future use...we can never tell....
case report,
marketing training,
Post Graduate School,
The Cinderella Story

Cinderella left her glass slippers at the stairs of the CCP! and... Lea Salonga is Cinderella! I will not let this pass. Actually, I got a ticket already!!! d ako mashadong excited!!! I will be watching the play with my 2 sisters, Jacque & Simon... We got the matinee 3 Pm staging on August 2, Saturday... It will run from July 29 to August 24...
'll write a review.... Bibidi babidi boo!
Every girls dream

That is the famous song sung by Cinderella in Disney’s rendition of the famous fairy tale ever. For me, Cinderella is the most memorable, if not the most popular heroine created by Walt Disney. I am sure the little girl in us has once dreamed of having the Cinderella Magic...a fairy godmother, (wow, can u imagine if everybody gets to have a fairy godmother… hahahaha), and of course, Prince Charming… dashing, debonair & what not…
Here’s the full lyrics…
"A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"
Words and Music by: Mack David, Al Hoffman, and Jerry Livingston
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true
This song is truly a classic! It reminds us not to stop dreaming…
This song is truly a classic! It reminds us not to stop dreaming…
and who says dreaming is just for kids?
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Nothing can take his place- no layman or lawmaker- no clinic or council
For he who can, with gentle hands and soothing words, calm the fears of a stricken animal has a gift reserved for few.
He who can diagnose the sickness of a creature that cannot speak-- one that cannot by neither sign nor gesture, give any indication of the seat of fatal sickness--is one endowed with knowledge, sympathy and understanding far beyond that reached by ordinary men.
He who can, with the aid of medical science, brighten the eyes, stay the fever, energize the pulse, build resistance against disease in animal, has reached the goal only a few favored few attain.
And what are his rewards? The knowledge that he has lived a life of true usefulness in helping creatures that cannot help themselves.
To the VETERINARIAN- the ANIMALITARIAN- the livestock industry is grateful.
--- Anonymous
Your Doctor is: ON-LINE

Hello all!!! I can be your online consultant to your pet problems... am no super expert but ill be willing to share my mind the best that i can... this is a field i love most & im excited to practice my profession online...
I will post some FAQs with answers that may be helpful to you... dog lovers out there... though am not a full companion animal vet practitioner , i can share first aid remedies, do's and dont's in animal care i learned from my clinics class way back & my personal practices to my doggies.... Draco (rottweiler), Hugo (beagle), Rufus (dachshund, tan) & Ruffles (daschund, black).
cross-finger...cant wait for my first patient!!!...
U.P Veterinarians.... the FEW, the PROUD....

---Will Rogers
I am a vet... but i don't get to practice this profession of mine to the fullest... ung as in day in/day out e nanggagamot ng pets... veterinary profession is not at all limited to just treating my case, im connected to a company that manufactures & sells pig & gamefowl feeds and medicines. My being a technical person comes in handy though i do marketing functions...
Veterinary profession is tough... 6 years (or more) of study!... grabe dami scientific names, muscles, bones, veins & arteries to memorize, ang catch e, it differs per animal species!!! wahhh!!! what made me go through & graduate is the experience at UP! well, i won't elaborate my 7 year stint in college... all i can say is that it is the best teacher of my life ...
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